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"This video is temporarily online until my updated showreel gets staged here this autumn. A lot of new and awesome projects will be in it!"

I am usually tending to be and write ironically, but those following words are meant honestly: I am super happy that you made it here to my site and this video. In this giant jungle called internet you took your machete (I am not speaking of Danny Trejo) and fought your way through all those forums, websites and search engines just to get here. Or maybe you just typed in the URL of my site, which you got from my business card. It doesn’t matter, you are here, I'm here and I’m glad we meet.

Now, potential ironic mode back on. For those who do not exactly know what a showreel is: Well, it is like a summary and short overview of projects and experiments an artist made. So there is usually no storyline in it, only parts of said projects cut together with some fancy tension driven music. Of course recorded by a live orchestra of hundreds of people… at least, that is what the internet says, so it must be true. The intention of a showreel is to show you what the artist did and how he did it, not meaning the thousand steps he needed to create everything, this is magic of course. And speaking of magic, I stop delaying everything now and I hope you lean back and enjoy this show right here. And please turn the music on!

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